Have you ever checked your Tissue pH to find if its Acidic or Alkaline.
This may be new information to you , but its the most important part of living survival and it has worked for my family where nothing else could.
My mother in law, has High Bp, Cholestrol, Diabetes, Hemmaroids for 35 yrs and she is a good example of body healing itself fuilly within 8 weeks.We have several other stories from our families ,friends and aquaintances .Unbelievable but true...Try it out for FEE and fee the difference
If you suffer from any of these symptoms
High BP, Joint Pains, Fatigue,Constipation,Diabetes,Migraines,Harmonal Imbalance, Allergies , Vcancer , Tumors etc....
Then Your body is too acidic.
All babies are born with Alkaline tissues and well hydrated
Most people are overly dehydrated leading to Acidity ..leading to...sickness